
Telford College opens its new engineering centre
Business breakfast event gives local employers a chance to tour the new facilities

£200,000 automation cell is unveiled in Telford
In-Comm Training investment will boost advanced skills in the Marches

£2.5m investment in new skills development facilities
Exciting new projects are coming on stream to boost skills in the manufacturing, engineering and construction sectors.

Tackling key local skills issues: Read the Marches LSIP progress reports
New report sets out the progress achieved so far against the LSIP priorities, and runs through what still needs to be achieved.

Significant progress in Construction Green Skills across the Marches
Project attracts a wave of new industry professionals and enthusiasts eager to embrace sustainable construction practices.

Maintenance engineers put new Telford College short courses to the test
Staff, from Muller Dairies and Denso Manufacturing sample microsoldering and PCB design modules ahead of official launch