Construction green and modular build technology skills

Help us to develop our training, education, and recruitment solutions to meet the current and future needs of the Construction sector with particular reference to retrofit and modern methods of construction.

The construction industry has well established skills programmes for traditional build techniques but with the introduction of retrofit and modern methods of construction (MMC) we want to ensure that we can offer training and education to optimally equip your employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle the technology and processes that you are investing in. To underpin this investment, it is essential that we ensure that the current and future workforce have the skills and knowledge they require and any potential gaps in the skills and education support currently available are identified and addressed.  

Following the production of The Marches Local Skills Improvement Plan a collaboration of local Further Education providers including colleges, Independent Training Providers and Universities are working together to further understand the needs of employers in the sector.  

It is essential that we gather employer feedback on what is needed so we can provide the right skills solutions in the right place at the right time! 

The partnership is conducting a survey on behalf of The Marches to investigate the current skills that are needed to ensure that our employers remain competitive and identifies any barriers employers are experiencing when sourcing skills and recruitment solutions from FE. 

We are asking for your feedback; your individual responses will not be shared however your information will be compiled into a full list of skills and recruitment priorities that your sector deems essential to business competitiveness going forward. 

These priorities will be used to inform our strategy of what skills gaps exist and how we will develop our solution and determine levels of investment. 

The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete but your responses will be crucial in terms of building on what works for you and where further development is required to support you moving forward. 


About your company

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Survey questions

Employees lacking appropriate digital skills is consistently identified as a need but what do your employees currently require or will require in the future? (select all which apply)(Required)
What types of retrofit technology and/ or processes have you undertaken or intend to undertake? (select all which apply)(Required)
What types of modern methods of construction or processes have you undertaken or intend to undertake? (select all which apply)(Required)
From your experience what are the key skills requirements you have that you deem essential for your retrofit or MMC journey? (select all which apply)(Required)
General feedback from employers suggests that encouraging more young people to consider the industry for a future career is critical for the long-term survival of manufacturing in the region. Do you offer apprenticeships for new staff?(Required)
General feedback from employers suggests that encouraging more young people to consider the industry for a future career is critical for the long-term survival of manufacturing in the region. Do you offer apprenticeships for existing staff?(Required)


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