Fluid Mechanics

Herefordshire, Ludlow & North Shropshire College

Progression and benefits

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to work with the concept and measurement of viscosity in fluids, and the characteristics of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids; examine fluid flow phenomena, including energy conservation, estimation of head loss in pipes and viscous drag; and examine the operational characteristics of hydraulic machines, in particular the operating principles of various water turbines and pumps.

About the course

Fluid mechanics is an important subject to engineers of many disciplines, not just those working directly with fluid systems.

Mechanical engineers need to understand the principles of hydraulic devices and turbines (wind and water); aeronautical engineers use these concepts to understand flight, while civil engineers concentrate on water supply, sewerage and irrigation.

This unit introduces you to the fluid mechanics techniques used in mechanical engineering. The hydraulic devices and systems that incorporate the transmission of hydraulic pressure and forces exerted by a static fluid on immersed surfaces.

Topics included in this unit are:

  • Pressure and force
  • Submerged surfaces
  • Fluid flow theory
  • Aerodynamics
  • Hydraulic machinery

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