Developing English Skills for the Health and Social Care Sector

This course is ideal for

Current health and social care staff and people looking to join the health and social care sector looking to improve their English skills.

Course duration

14 hours

How the course is delivered

Four 3.5 hour sessions, face to face

Progression and benefits

Developing your English skills will raise confidence of working within the sector, dealing with challenging situation and being able to approach new situations. These skills will be required for promotion and progression within the sector and are often assessed at interview.

Depending of your circumstances, you may also wish to gain formal qualifications in English, such as GCSE or functional skills.

Entry requirements

No prior qualifications required, but applicant be currently working in the health and social care sector.

About the course

This is ideal for anyone looking to develop their communication skills and boost confidence in dealing with patients and staff.

Health care specific terminology and acronyms along with local colloquialisms will be taught alongside tackling cultural and ethical issues and developing consultation skills.

Sessions include a range of English skills for the following setting and scenarios

  • Admitting patients; building rapport, gathering personal details and medical history, writing notes
  • Admitting patients; discussing and writing care plans and dealing with deterioration of a patient’s condition
  • Implementing care; handovers, everyday care, explaining procedures to patients and administering medicines
  • Preparing for discharge; writing progress notes, discussing ongoing care, taking part in meetings
  • Communicating at work; dealing with conflict situation, phone calls and attending ward meetings
  • Marking the most out of your placement; working with your mentor and giving a presentation
  • Vocabulary; using health related vocabulary

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